Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are able to treat a wide range of conditions.
Diagnosis and treatment plans are carefully made based on the TCM theory. Massage, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and herbal medicine may be added to acupuncture treatments.
Common conditions that can be treated include:
Pain - back pain, neck pain, injuries, headaches, migraines
Psychological - stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia
Respiratory - rhinitis, allergies, common cold
Digestive - indigestion, constipation, diarrhea
Women’s health - PMS, menopause, postpartum support
$70 per session
Acu Facial
Acu Facial is a full-body acupuncture treatment with a special focus on improving:
Facial muscle tone
Collagen and elastin production
Skin complexion
Fine lines and soften deeper lines
Blood and lymph circulation locally on the face
$70 per session
Massage Therapy
The benefits of Massage therapy include:
Relaxation, pain relief, releasing muscular tension, improved joint mobility, assisting recovery from injury, and promoting wellbeing.
The modality that will be utilized :
Swedish Massage
Deep Massage
Zero Balancing
Structure Bodywork
Orthopedic Massage
$70 60 minutes session
$100 90 minutes session
$120 Combination of acupuncture and massage therapy (approx. 110min)
Oncology Care
Acupuncture, massage, or a combination of both can support survivorship and helps to have the best life possible beyond the cancer diagnosis.
Position, duration of the session, needle gauges, location and depth of needle insertion for acupuncture, and pressure and direction of strokes for massage may be adjusted according to your condition.
Receiving acupuncture and massage during cancer treatment can help with:
Acupuncture can also relieve the symptoms of neuropathy and hot flashes, and can strengthen the immune system to help recovery from cancer treatments.
$70 one acupuncture session or 60 minutes massage session
$100 90 minutes massage session
$120 combination of acupuncture and massage therapy (approx. 110 min.)
Home visits available
Acupuncture / Acu Facial $70
60 min, Massage session $70
90 min. Massage session $100
Acupuncture / Massage combination $120